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The B. A.-BA of the League format


When creating a tournament, several formats are available to you. These formats work differently depending on your needs and your tournament criteria. Today, we are going to look at the League format (or League).


League format refers to tournaments where participants all play against each other once or twice. This format is divided into several "Days" and counts the points and victories of each team.

(Excerpt from a League format tournament on our )

When you organize a tournament in League format, you can choose to create several groups to homogenize the course of the tournament. This then allows the tournament to have a group phase in League format, and a final phase in another format.

(Excerpt from a two-group tournament in League format on Playce.)

How to choose your parameters?

When creating your tournament in League format on Playce, several parameters must be chosen:

  • The choice of the name of the phase (hens, final phases, qualifications, etc.)

  • The maximum number of participants

  • The number of groups

  • The number of participants in each group

  • The number of qualifiers per group.

These parameters are chosen according to the needs of the tournament organizer.

Once the primary parameters have been chosen, you still have to define the advanced parameters of your competition. Again, you have the choice:

- The number of times participants compete against each other

- How points will be counted

- The number of points won by the participants for each case (victory, equality, defeat...)

Why choose the League format?

The advantage of the League format manifests itself when facing a more closed tournament, with a small number of participants. In fact, this format is suitable for tournaments taking place over a long period of time. Also, the League format is more practical for certain types of games, in general games where the matches are long like MOBAs (League of Legends, DOTA 2...) or real-time strategy games (Starcraft II, Civilization VI...).

Examples of games where the League format is the most suitable)

These are generally games where the games last an average of 30 minutes, so the matches are fewer and have greater importance. If, on the other hand, you are playing a tournament of one of these games with very few players and over a day or a weekend, you can opt for a Tree format instead.

If you want to start organizing tournaments on these games, don't hesitate to try our platform!

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