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Photo du rédacteurBAATINE Agency EVENTS - MEDIA - DIGITAL

Round Table – Digital and creative industries in West Africa

"Senegal and West Africa are particularly creative territories. The b.creative professional meeting will bring together cultural and creative entrepreneurs. Its objective is the co-creation of practical knowledge between entrepreneurs. Cultural and creative businesses are carriers of social innovations that accompany the change towards a sustainable and inclusive creative economy."

This conference concerns all entrepreneurs and actors in the following sectors:

Visual Arts and Heritage

Live performance (dance, music, theatre, etc.)

Cultural Industries (cinema, music, publishing, video games, media, etc.)

Creative Services (design, communication, digital, etc.)

Taste industries (crafts, fashion, gastronomy, luxury, etc.)

Leisure and entertainment industries (tourism, games, sports, etc.)

9:30 – 11:00

Round Table – Digital and creative industries in West Africa

  • Fall Astou, Founder Artiflex

  • Dodji Honou, Founder Afrcentrik Lab

  • Awa Diop Girard, Founder Deedo

  • Sename K. Agbodjinou

  • Lordalajiman

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